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Dr. Ricordi wants you to live longer

Updated: Mar 8, 2019

“When you spend one dollar toward good advertisement in nutrition and healthy lifespan, you have at least one thousand dollars spent in the opposite direction.”



Dr. Camillo Ricordi, former Valentino model and current top diabetes researcher in the world, was interviewed on January 30th and revealed some new information about what health can be. “In the ideal world, with the ideal ability to regenerate telomeres, humans could live up to 140 years.” Dr. Ricordi said.

“People are ideally on a square wave meaning you live healthy until you’re 140. You run a marathon when you are 140. You go to sleep that night and you don’t wake up. There is no longevity in the presence of chronic degenerative disease condition.” He said. “Currently, 75% of people begin to display this disease in their 60s. This is a problem.”

“Sometimes when you’re young or you’re a model when you’re 18 years old or less you’ll say, ‘Who cares when you’re 30 years old, you’re dead anyway.’ But then you tend to change your attitude when you reach age 20. After, depending on how fast you consume your potential, you can live to be 50, 60, 70 years old or even older.”

He offered the following example: “you have a 25 year old football player. Although he may be following a healthy lifestyle, his potential for regeneration has already gone down by one or two thirds. You have a guy of his same age that exercises a few times a week and eats vegan (or any anti-inflammatory diet). You would assume he isn’t as healthy but in reality, his potential for regeneration is almost entirely maintained.”

Dr. Ricordi noted that a reason why misunderstandings in health occur is because major industries have a larger budget for paying models or actors to promote their product or service than doctors or research organizations have. “We cannot afford the same sponsorship that the industries do but we can afford to give a positive message that may be rewarding.”

“One of our greatest ambassadors for the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation is Izabel Goulart who’s a top model for Victoria’s Secret and she has a little brother with type 1 diabetes. She has been an amazing sponsor for our research.” Dr. Ricordi listed off other people who had given a voice to diabetes research. “Halle Berry! She’s an amazing actress who has type 1 diabetes.”

Dr. Ricordi also mentioned Miss America 1999. “She had an insulin band on her inner thigh during the bikini contest and nobody noticed. But after she won the contest she showed that she had this band and she was type 1 diabetic so it was a very positive message.”

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